powered by LEAD Brevard

Ready To Make

IMPACT Brevard connects board-ready local leaders with nonprofit organizations through a thoughtfully developed training process that introduces organizations and board candidates.

Meaningful Connections

Connecting Local Leaders & Organizations

Fostering Connections To Improve Community

A Platform For Local Leaders


Meaningful Connections


IMPACT Brevard’s online platform is the best place to make engaging local connections to impact the community. Join hundreds of local leaders and nonprofits.

A Platform For Local Leaders

Fostering Connections
To Improve Community

Fostering Connections To Improve Community

IMPACT Brevard benefits local leaders by:

How IT Works

Take The First Step To Make An Impact

IMPACT Brevard’s online platform allows both nonprofit organizations and those seeking board positions to create searchable profiles.

Nonprofits Register

Local nonprofits register online and define the types of candidate they want for their open board seats.

Members Register

Candidates complete a profile and join the pool of individuals looking to work with a local nonprofit organization


Nonprofits and candidates can search profiles based on organization type, interests, and qualifications.


The next step of an in-person or virtual meeting is then up to the matched potential partners to facilitate.

Why Register With Impact

Benefits For Local
Nonprofit Organizations

Benefits For Local Nonprofit Organizations

IMPACT Brevard benefits local nonprofit organizations by:
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.”

~ Margaret Mead

About Impact Brevard

The Past, Present, And Future
Of IMPACT Brevard's Mission

The Past, Present, And Future Of IMPACT Brevard's Mission

LEAD Brevard teamed with The Board Doctor to create a web-based service to match community leaders with nonprofits seeking board members. Through the Leadership Action Projects of the Leadership Brevard classes of 2018 and 2019, the IMPACT Brevard website launched April 2019, connected to leadbrevard.org

Whether they provide services for children or elderly, seek to improve conditions in the lagoon, or develop leaders, all 501(c) 3 organizations have a legal responsibility to have a Board of Directors with a minimum of three members. Nonprofits benefit from new perspectives that comes from involvement of energized community leaders.

IMPACT Brevard connects nonprofit organizations with potential board members and committee volunteers ready to serve, using their talents and connections to help the nonprofit succeed. When nonprofits succeed, our community wins. This site will be the future for leading Brevard together.

Our mission would not be possibe without the ongoing support of the Community Foundation for Brevard, as well as the Better Together, Community in Conversation, and John K. and Julia R. Roach funds.

Supporting Local Leaders

The IMPACT In Brevard

While board matching services exist in nonprofit resource centers in eight other metro areas of Florida, IMPACT Brevard fills a void in Brevard County. LEAD Brevard’s Leadership Action Project teams have teamed with The Board Doctor, LLC to develop IMPACT Brevard as a way to connect nonprofit organizations with potential board members. IMPACT Brevard benefits from the pool of Leadership Brevard’s 1,200+ alumni who have a demonstrated interest in community service and many are eager to expand their impact on Brevard’s nonprofit organizations serving the community.

Contact Us

Brevard By The Numbers

Total nonprofits in Brevard
0 %
Nonprofits are 501(c) 3
0 +
Leadership Brevard Graduates
0 %
Opportunity to get involved